Musings, Explorations, and Announcements


20 April 2012

Holly Doremus, J.D., Ph.D., visited Davis on 4/20/2012 as part of a seminar series on interfaces between ecology, economics and policy. Dr. Doremus is at the UC Berkeley School of Law, but has Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from Cornell. She is former former UCD Faculty. These are my notes from Dr. Doremus’s lecture. Any errors or misrepresentations are my own. Adaptive Management – Knowing When to Say When Adaptive management is thought of as a solution to two problems:

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4 April 2012

The equations in this blog are rendered using MathJax, which creates beautiful math from \(\LaTeX\)-style markup. However, the math doesn’t appear in RSS feeds, because RSS doesn’t allow Javascript. While I have a total of 12 RSS followers, this is how my closest collaborators, and my most math-y readers, are likely to read my posts, so I’ve been looking for a way to produce readable equations in the RSS feed.

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2 April 2012

I wrote a few functions to grab data and from the Global Pollen Database: source("~/code/_Pollen/pollendatafuntions.R") ## Loading required package: stratigraph ## Loading required package: grid ## Loading required package: graphics ## Loading required package: stats billys <- getpctAP("billys", plot = TRUE) ## Number of taxa: 105 ## Number of levels: 77 Arboreal Pollen over time at Billy’s Lake Clearly, there’s are trends at different time scales. The trouble with using S-Maps on this is that there are uneven sampling intervals.

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1 April 2012

I’ve finally got this new website built using Jekyll and migrated my old content over. I’ve been looking to move to a new system for a while - one that would fit with my workflow and help me keep a blog as an open lab notebook. Squarespace was a great place to start a blog, but a Jekyll site hosted on Github is (A) faster, (B) free, (C) more customizable.

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1 April 2012

(Material migrated over from my old website) Blogs and News Sources Grist, especially David Roberts’ sharp political commentary Resilience Science, by Garry Peterson. See also the Resilience Wiki and the Resilience Alliance Conservation Bytes, a blog on conservation science by C.J. Bradshaw Ecosystem Marketplace, the Katoomba Group’s excellent portal for ecosystem markets and finance. Worldchanging, showing models for a bright green future EcoTone, the blog of the Ecological Society of America GreenBiz, Joel Makower’s hub of all green business news Environmental Economics at Ohio State University Fast Company’s Ethonomics Blog Researchblogging is a community of blogs covering peer-reviewed scientific literature.

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